How to Resolve Conflicts in the Workplace

Talk To The Person You Are Having A Conflict With Directly, And Try To Resolve The Issue Between The Two Of You

Conflicts in the workplace are inevitable. However, that doesn’t mean that they have to be destructive or damaging. In fact, if conflicts are resolved in a respectful and peaceful manner, both parties can often walk away feeling satisfied with the outcome. John Deruiter will discuss some tips for resolving conflicts in the workplace. We will also share some stories from our own team about how they have successfully resolved workplace conflicts.

The root cause of the conflict stems from a lack of understanding and respect for differing perspectives and beliefs. This has caused two sides to clash, unable to see the validity of one another’s position due to prejudice. Both parties view the other as “wrong” or “inferior” and refuses to accept that their own beliefs are not necessarily the only ones with merit.

John Deruiter

Neither side could compromise and move past this state of discord because both had firmly held opinions they believed should be reflected in the outcome. As a result, neither party was able to come to an agreement that would benefit both equally and find an equitable resolution to the dispute.

Creating and maintaining healthy relationships can sometimes be difficult or feel overwhelming. One of the most effective ways to work towards a resolution when having a conflict is to have an open and honest conversation with the person you’re in conflict with. When talking through your differences, it is important to bring a respectful attitude and be mindful that both people involved need to feel heard. If one person dominates the conversation, this will not lead to a resolution. Put yourself in your counterpart’s shoes, remembering that no one is perfect and seeking mutual understanding instead of a victor-victor situation are important steps towards building peace. Setting reasonable expectations can also help both parties feel like they have a partner they can share their story with. Talking directly with each other may feel uncomfortable but is much better than letting anger fester or avoiding the situation altogether.

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